Flights from Charleston Airport (CHS) to Bozeman Yellowstone Airport Airport (BZN)

If you are looking to fly from Charleston, AFB Municipal to Gallatin Field you will find there are 2 airliners who offer this route. These include NetJets and Mountain Aviation. The flight from Charleston, AFB Municipal to Gallatin Field is approximately 3,008 Kilometers which is 1,869 Miles. You should expect a flight time of around 4 Hours 21 Minutes.

The exact cost of the flight we vary quite significantly base on the dates you travel, the time of day you will depart and how long in advance you pre book the flights. To obtain the best prices for Gallatin Field flights than book well in advance. Flight to Gallatin Field will get more expensive the nearer you get the departure date, so it’s advisable to book in advance if it is possible.

On arriving at Gallatin Field please note the time difference, the time zone at Gallatin Field is 7.0 GMT compared to 5.0 GMT at Charleston, AFB Municipal.

To see all airliners that offer flights between Charleston, AFB Municipal and Gallatin Field please see the table below.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
NetJets0000010VIEW FLIGHTS
Mountain Aviation0000010VIEW FLIGHTS

NetJets is the most popular airliners who operate this route. They have around 1 a week with times that vary between and .

Would you like to book your flight? Bookings can be made direct with NetJets on their website

The flight time for the selected route vary based on the month you will travel, but below we has summarised the most common times they will fly. We recommend you only take these times as guidance and check with appropriate airline for the exact times for the date you depart.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights
AirlineFlight  No
Mountain AviationFTH918
AirlineFlight  No

If the airlines stated don’t offer flights that suite your travel times, you could look at alternative options. Below we have summarised flights from alternative departures airports and flights that are not direct.

Alternative Direct Routes
RouteStopsDistanceFlying Time
Charlotte Douglas to Bozeman04 Hours 5 Minutes

Please remember to leave plenty of time to get though customers when you are departing form the airports. Flights regulations are getting very strict these days so getting through customs can take in excess of 1 hour in some cases.

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Flight Info FAQ - Charleston (CHS) to Bozeman (BZN)

Who flies from Charleston to Bozeman?
The following airlines fly from Charleston (CHS) to Bozeman (BZN): Mountain Aviation, NetJets.
How far is the flight from Charleston to Bozeman?
The flight from Charleston to Bozeman is 3,008KM or 1,869 miles.
How long does the flight from Charleston to Bozeman to take?
The flight from Charleston to Bozeman takes 4 Hours 21 Minutes.

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